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I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

2007 Gen 1 iPhone Bluetooth Headset

In 2008, I picked up an Apple Bluetooth headset for my wife's iPhone 3G. Come to think of it, I don't think I put up a blog post for it. Strange. In any case, here it is...

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It turns out that it's actually the second release. It was $99 bucks. All you got was the headset and a charging cable. I didn't know until years later that Apple had released a prior version in 2007 to accompany the first generation iPhone. That unit came in an iPhone-sized box with a charging cable and a dock. It was $129.

I found the dock on eBay almost a year ago, but I couldn't find a gen 1 headset to go with it.

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I really wanted one in the box. I kept my eye on eBay for the longest time, but I either found them loose, or the ones in the box were way too expensive. Some cost more than the original price. Paying $130+ for a 7-year old headset seemed a little crazy. I wouldn't say they were old enough to be considered vintage, or collectors' items. Then again, people see Apple logos and they think they can charge an arm and a leg.

Luckily, last week I scored one on the cheap for only $34 bucks. Reason being? It's missing the dock. I didn't mind since I already had the correct dock for it. So now I have a complete set, and I didn't pay through the nose for it.

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It did, however, come with the travel cable. It looks like it has never been used.

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It even came with the documentation and an extra foam cover.

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I popped it in the charger along with my gen 1 iPhone and let them sit for a few hours. It’s very cool how the iPhone is aware of the headset and displays the battery charge onscreen. I didn’t even have to pair them. They connected automatically.

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Here’s a screenshot of that so you can take a closer look.


Very cool. Another rare Apple item that came and went in a matter of a few years. None of the noobs even know it existed. I wonder how much it’ll be worth in another 10 years!